The Canopée christened by its godmother

The ship Canopée was christened in early October at the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux: the champagne bottle was broken on its bow and the champagne sank.


Maritime tradition has it that a bottle of wine or champagne is projected onto the ship, its contents spilling over the hull to bring it luck and ensure a safe voyage (as the saying goes, “a ship that hasn’t tasted wine will taste blood”).


For the occasion, the Canopée hoisted the “Grand Pavois” (the flags of the “international code of signals”), which can only be worn during the day, from 8am to 8pm.


The team also took advantage of the day to install a Louis d’Or under one of the masts, to lend good fortune to the ship and her crew, another maritime tradition dating back to the golden age of sailing clippers over a century ago!


The Canopée was thus able to begin its rotations for ArianeGroup in a calm and traditional manner. May the winds, and especially the Alizés, be favourable to him.


Baptême du Canopée - Crédit : Madfly
The "Grand Pavois" - Credit: MAdfly
Prise de parole de Nils Joyeux, président d'Alizés et co-fondateur de Zéphyr et Borée - Crédit : Madfly
Speech by Nils Joyeux, President of Alizés and co-founder of Zéphyr et Borée - Credit: Madfly
Discours de la marraine du Canopée - crédit : Madfly
Speech by the godmother of Le Canopée - credit: Madfly