Follow the news from Zéphyr and Borée: tenders won, labels obtained, site announcements, recruitment, ship fitting out...

The Canopée voted “boat of the year”
15 November 2023
The Canopée was voted Ship of the Year at the Maritime Awards Gala in Rotterdam.

The Canopée christened by its godmother
6 October 2023
The ship Canopée was christened with the traditional bottle of champagne on the quays of Bordeaux.

Zéphyr & Borée wins France 2030 award
4 May 2023
Zéphyr & Borée has won the France 2030 award for Williwaw, a hybrid sail-powered industrial container ship.

Williwaw, laureate for the “AMI CORIMER”
9 November 2022
Williwaw container ship wins the AMI CORIMER 2022 award

Zéphyr & Borée launches Windcoop
8 June 2022
Z&B, Arcadie, and Julien Noé, founding president of Enercoop, launch Windcoop, the first activist cooperative for carbon-free shipping.